And here is what I will be waking up to in 40 days!!
Everything is really beginning to move fast now. Our shipping container arrives in 11 days. We only have it for 2 days so everything has to be packed and ready to load when it arrives.
We leave Colorado in 32 days! We will fly in to Sacramento and spend a week with my brother and SIL in Vacaville.
Then on June 1 we leave from Oakland and fly to Kona where we land at 1:16pm!!
Dave is still waiting for his "official" start date but right now it looks like it will be around May 30. So if that's true then when the kids and I leave here on May 25th for CA, he will leave here and go straight to Kona and be there to meet us when we arrive on June 1.
We are working on getting the house packed up. Downstairs is mostly done except for the kitchen and pantry, but I need to pack those last (you know, since we still need to eat and all). Since Maici has a snow day I think I'll start on her room today - it needs the most "sorting" - the rest of the house is mostly sorted, it just needs packing. But Maici's room has definitely not been sorted.
Here is my now empty living room. Looks kinda sad and lonely.
My SIL Julia gave me a journal for my birthday last month that I have turned into my "moving planner". I decorated it with hawaiian-ish stuff and use it to keep track of what needs to be done when and jot down little things I think of.
Here is the cover.
Here is the inside of the cover.
I have a countdown going. I snip off the corner of each page at the end of each day. That way I can flip to what day I'm on faster and you can see the number of how many days left till we leave Colorado.
Here's a close-up. The pink is the days till we actually leave. The green is days until the shipping container comes. You may notice the discrepancy between the two numbers. What will we do? you may ask. Where will we stay? We have several awesome friends who have offered their homes to us, as well as my parents. But since the kids will still have 2 weeks of school after the house is empty we wanted to stay close. So we will stay at the home of some friends who live close by, but will be out of town. And then stay at my parents on the weekends.
Another question you may have is "where are the dogs?" Well, it was a hard decision but we decided not to take them to Hawaii with us. Some friends of ours who had stayed with us for awhile last year asked if they could take them. I was super glad that someone who KNEW them wanted them, and also that they wanted BOTH of them. They are litter mates and have never been apart. So, 2 weeks ago we put them on a plane in their crates and they flew off to their new home in Texas.
Here they are with their new sister, Botox.
And here they are on their new bed.
I'm super glad that Kimmy keeps posting pictures of them (thanks Kimmy!!). It makes me happy to see them. I miss them a TON. But enough about that or there will be tear stains on my blog page.
So, there's alot more behind the scenes details about the move. I could go on and on (and on). I haven't posted anything on here since March 9 after all. But that's probably already more than any of you care about anyway. Maybe next time I'll post some info about renting since we are working on that on both ends of this move. Still looking for a renter for our CO home and also a home for us to rent in HI.